Title: Break the Fourth Wall!
Rating: K
Continuity: G1
Characters: Ensemble, me
Disclaimer: Don't own the Transformers. I do own myself. :)
Prompt: June 2, 2010: Too much/Not enough
Notes: In which I completely break two things: the fourth wall, and my own rule about no self-inserts.
“So!” I clapped my hands once, then wove my fingers together. “You all know this is the hundredth speedwriting fill I’m writing with all'a y'alls, and-
“How could we forget?” Sideswipe said, exasperated. “You haven't shut up about it since you realized you were at fifty.”
I glared at the red frontliner. He was easy to pick out among the other Autobots and Decepticons. “Sideswipe,” another voice interrupted, “shut up.”
A few mechs snickered, and I cleared my throat.
“Sunny, you know-”
“Sideswipe,” a deep voice rumbled, and the red Twin was instantly silent.
I smiled up at Optimus. “Thanks, Prime.”
“No problem at all, Miss Exactlywhat.”
“Still, thanks. Now. As I was saying, this is my hundredth speedwriting fill, so-”
“Oh! I know! It has to be epic! Why don’t Sunstreaker and I do some Jet Judo? I’m sure-”
“No way are you getting anywhere near me, Autodolt!” Starscream screeched.
I glanced up at Optimus again, and he let out a threatening rev of his engine. The assembled mechs settled down.
“I wanted to-”
“Optimus, I have those reports... Oh, I am sorry. I did not mean to interrupt.”
I shook my head. “I know. It's fine, Prowl. Anyways, as I was saying-”
“Probably looking for us,” Starscream said.
“Statement: true,” Soundwave confirmed.
I sighed. “Fine. Fine. I’ll just put my announcement in the Author's Note.”
“I do apologize, Miss Exactlywhat.”
“Not your fault, Prime.” I shrugged. “Anyways, just writing in the Author's Note will work. Thanks for letting me play.”
The Prime just nodded before he followed his soldiers out of the Rec Room. I sighed again and quit the room as well.
A/N: Ah, back to my computer and out of that chaos... ^.~
Anyways, my announcement! This is my hundredth speedwriting fill, and there are two things I can do now: one, keep posting “chapters” in this story, or start a second one for the second hundred. I have no problem keeping this one going, but I do want to know what you guys would prefer. Would it be easier to just continue this, or start a new one?
This doesn't so much apply to you, my dear LJ readers, but if you do read on FF.net or AO3 and have a preference, let me know! :D