Divisions: Chapter 2

Mar 27, 2013 22:12

Bunnies bite hard. -_-

Title: Divisions: Chapter 2: Processors
Rating: T
Continuity: G1/Movieverse

Chapter 2: Processors

PR0.W13.R easily fell into his function. He was an osa. He had been built to organize, to watch, to be aware. He never slept. His processors, unlike those of the walking-sparks, could defrag one portion at a time.

He kept watch through the security cameras throughout Lower Polyhex. He knew everything that was going on, all the time. And unlike any of the walking-sparks, he could understand it, could comprehend it, could process it. All of it.

After a decaorn online, he was told by the Chief, a free-sparked (or so J422 called him) Enforcer and the head of the District 14 Enforcer's Station where PR0.W13.R “lived” that there would be a drug bust soon.

The Chief, he had found, considered him little more than an AI. An intelligent AI, to be sure, but he did not consider him a real mech.

PR0.W13.R felt vaguely like he should have been offended at the idea of being treated like a drone, but it was only a distant, fuzzy feeling.

So, when he was curious, he would go to J422. Jazz.

He had all the comm links to all of the Enforcers who worked at the precinct, but, more than that, he had the access codes to the preprogrammed Enforcers. He could establish a link whether they wanted him to or not.

J422 had told him on that first night that it was incredibly rude to do so, though. Even though PR0.W13.R did not completely understand the idea of “rude,” he did as J422 suggested, and pinged a request and allowed the Enforcer to accept or deny it as he wished.

Though J422 had never denied it in the short time PR0.W13.R had been online.

::Enforcer J422.::

::Just Jazz, mech. Please.::

::I have a question.::

::... Okay. Go ahead,:: J422 prompted when PR0.W13.R took a long moment to respond.

::What is required of me next orn?:: PR0.W13.R had the programming of an Enforcer, he knew what a drug bust was, but no one had ever told him what he was doing, exactly.

::For the bust?::

::Yes,:: PR0.W13.R replied uneasily, wishing there was a more... official way of referring to the drug bust.

::Well, you're supposed to direct it. You know, tell us where to go, when to move, where the bad guys are... That sort of thing.::

::That is all?:: the osa asked, surprised. He could do that with barely one thought-thread. Maybe two, if things started getting complicated, but... it would be easy.

::Yeah, mech. You're our guide. See, you can see everything - you know, you'll be hooked up to all'a us preprograms, one of us, probably me, will be able to hack into the cameras in that building and get you hooked up to 'em, and you'll... well, you'll see it all. We only see what our optics and sensors tell us.::

::I do understand that, but... it still seems as though it will be rather... easy.::

Jazz smiled up at the camera in the corner of the barracks, where he was currently lying on his berth. ::Maybe for you, what with your big processors, but... any one of us? We'd need multiple people doing it. Our processors aren't as good as yours, PR. It's not as easy for us as it is for you.::

PR0.W13.R puzzled at that for a moment (while another thought-thread turned over the shortening of his designation, which was quickly determined to be simply a more efficient way of indicating himself, though it still made him want to twitch), looking up the specifications for the average preprogrammed mech. Then he marveled at it for a moment. Their processors were so... small! So slow. So... narrow. At the very most, they could have something like ten thought-threads running at a time, though they usually retained only two or three at a time.

So few! PR0.W13.R himself, at minimum, always had at least twenty going! Most of them were what he had begun to classify as background threads, thought processes and subroutines that ran mostly on their own, monitoring security feeds, the emergency comm system, the Enforcers' public comms, the activity inside the Enforcer's Station, and even an information exchange between himself and another osa, an older one from a station a couple districts over.

And he wasn't even straining himself!


::Yeah. We don't think like you, PR.:: It was said with a hint of humor, and PR0.W13.R could see the tiny smile twitching on J422's face. A smirk, perhaps? Indicating mischievous intent? ::But that's what we're sparked with, and we're happy with it.::


::Don't worry about it right now. Any other questions?::


::Alright then. Anything you wanna talk about?::

Talk about? About what? His question was answered. Their business had been concluded. ::Negative.::

For a moment, J422 looked... sad?, his optics dimming (not, PR0.W13.R now knew, from a lack of energon), his shoulders slumping gently. Then he perked up again, shooting a thoughtful, rather wry glance at the camera. ::Okay, then. Let me know if you think of anything else.::


::PR, it wasn't an order.::

::... Understood.::

J422 vented, and PR0.W13.R couldn't help but feel that there was something he didn't - couldn't - understand.

character: jazz, fandom: transformers movie'verse, fandom: transformers au'verse, pairing: prowl/jazz, story: divisions, content: fanfic, fandom: transformers g1'verse, character: prowl

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