Title: Inaccuracies Rating: K Continuity: G1ish Characters: Prowl, Jazz Disclaimer: Don't own, Transformers or Kreos. Not even one. :( Prompt: 1. Choose a Transformers Kreon. Their bio is your prompt. ( Inaccuracies )
So that's why the Ark is orange! Prime couldn't decide on a color.
And Wheeljack blew up Ravage? SWEET - not the smoking feline part, but the fact Wheeljack deliberately used his reputation (not ill-founded), and skills at causing magnificent booms, to subdue an enemy - and the Autobots are just thinking 'well, it took long enough for the explosion!' not realizing that this was an enemy scouting attempt.
Attention-Deficient-Dude, What's That? Laughs. It fits! And it makes perfect sense! Thank you for the delightful insight on their opinion of the ADD longhand. (and making such a cute fic out of it too!)
Citation Needed? Now I'm in the mood to edit some Wikipedia entries. I wonder what prank is being thought of now.
'The Spigot'. I LOVE the interaction between the two armies. It makes sense - it really does. The Autobot Rec Room isn't large enough for one army, let alone two, and the Decepticons don't have a set-place they can relax, enjoy legally obtained High Grade. And being a joint effort, even better.
Heh. Kreons. Yeah, the bios are drastically different. Wonder how many bots and cons underwent a paint-job and decided to play a prank on us. Change the color, utilize the name of the bot normally that color/description, but do nothing else to pretend to be that mech. (in otherwords, keep your personality and refuse to adopt the habits of the mech you're impersonating).
And Wheeljack blew up Ravage?
SWEET - not the smoking feline part, but the fact Wheeljack deliberately used his reputation (not ill-founded), and skills at causing magnificent booms, to subdue an enemy - and the Autobots are just thinking 'well, it took long enough for the explosion!' not realizing that this was an enemy scouting attempt.
Attention-Deficient-Dude, What's That?
It fits!
And it makes perfect sense!
Thank you for the delightful insight on their opinion of the ADD longhand.
(and making such a cute fic out of it too!)
Citation Needed? Now I'm in the mood to edit some Wikipedia entries.
I wonder what prank is being thought of now.
'The Spigot'. I LOVE the interaction between the two armies. It makes sense - it really does. The Autobot Rec Room isn't large enough for one army, let alone two, and the Decepticons don't have a set-place they can relax, enjoy legally obtained High Grade.
And being a joint effort, even better.
Yeah, the bios are drastically different.
Wonder how many bots and cons underwent a paint-job and decided to play a prank on us.
Change the color, utilize the name of the bot normally that color/description, but do nothing else to pretend to be that mech. (in otherwords, keep your personality and refuse to adopt the habits of the mech you're impersonating).
Thanks for sharing.
I enjoyed these.
Smoke: In my humble opinion, a good half of Wheeljack's explosions are deliberate. :D I mean, they're just so pretty
ADD: It always made me laugh when my brother's friend used it. :D Thought I'd share the laughs. And it does, doesn't it?
Citation Needed: Heh. Yeah. I have no idea about the prank -- I tried to write something, I did, but... Sideswipe wasn't telling. -_-
The Spigot: It does, doesn't it? :D They just need a place to hang out and relax, with legal high-grade and awesome music... ^.^
Inaccuracies: Haha... now that's a funny thought. :D And us poor, confused humans, thinking they're all really that way... ^.~
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