I, Will Porter, have made the following for you, my sweet little boo:
My sweet, sexy, mouthwatering boo who makes me want to rip off all your clothes, throw you down and cover you with big, sloppy kisses from head to toe. And once the kisses are done, I want to find something sweet and sticky to pour all over your perfect, gorgeous body so I can spend a few hours licking that off before we spend the next few days have incredibly hot, steamy, sweaty, messy, bendy, sticky, passionate, mindblowing, tender, thoughtful, kinky, horizontal, vertical, upside down, caveman, indoor, outdoor, Iwonderiftheneighborssawus, ifnottheyhadtohaveheardus sex.
With lots of snuggling afterwards.
This random love-by has been brought to you by the insane need I have to make a fool of myself for you. Be lucky you didn't get the series of haikus I wrote, though those might be coming at a later date. But, if I may quote a great wordsmith of our time: "Oh, me so horny. Me love you long time."
In all seriousness, baby, I adore you.
I apologize if any innocent bystanders were hit, but you were warned...