So I talked to
Ryan the other day about how secretive I always am. We discussed how nobody really knows the real me because I never open up to people fully. So here's your chance. What would you like to know about me? I'll tell all... Maybe it'll help me be able to open up to people better as well.
Shanden leaves this afternoon for Fairfax. She going to get a job then look around and find a place for us to live then fax me some info on the place. I'll send her the money for the rent and all. And then I'll be on my way up there. Tonight we went out to the mall to go to Hot Topic and Borders. I got stuck in the pet section looking at dogs until I found this really ugly one that looked like it had just lost 400 lbs but it still weighed 400 lbs. Just skin everywhere so I gave up on the dogs for a while. When we get settled in we're going to get a dog though. I wanted to call it "Pound Puppy" but Shanden didn't go with that all too well. I figure she'll come up with the name since I'm horrible with names.
This week should be busy. I've got to start getting things ready and semi-packed up. I also need to take all of my unwanted clothes to Goodwill from where I weighed 240ish. I don't wear half of the clothes in my room and they're just in a huge pile. When I move up there I'll be taking the truck and my dad will keep the car in Clarksville and get it serviced. It'll be odd driving a truck around. It's just not really me. But I need it to bring up all of Shanden's and my stuff. You know those dildos take up room! I figure I can just use the same bed but I do want to buy a new desk. I could get one of those 60 dollar ones and I'd be happy with that. I'll have to get a job or two as soon as I move up there. I'll be going from mall to mall seeing if anyone is hiring for sure. I'll need the money as soon as possible. Shanden, do you know anywhere you could put a word in for me?
You have a lot going for you, but most people will
only remember you for one thing, and a lot of
them will try to copy it. They'll all suck at
it, though. Besides, you've got better stuff.
What band from the 80s are you? brought to you by
Quizilla I've started talking to a few people from the area and they've been telling me about all the things to do there. A few of them seem pretty cool. Like people I could hang out with. And they remind me of certain people from here. One guy is the northern version of Matt C. Everything but country, lemme tell ya! And then another one is a northern version of Shaun. He likes to take pictures of everything so I'm sure we'll click. I like talking to them most of all. I've also talked to a few people from myspace that live up there and a few girls have agreed to take me out with them one night and show me the sites. I can't wait for that. So things are coming together rather nicely I suppose. I haven't told my grandmother (the one who calls me 20 times a day) that I'm moving yet. Well, I told her I was moving out. Just not 10 hours away. She's going to freak but it's something she'll have to get over. I'll be fine up there.
And that would be my pre-weekend update. I'm sure I'll do something scandalous today so I'll have a fun post about that tomorrow. I need to find out how to make a phone post too. Those were fun back in the day (2002) when I did them. I need to start back up again. Oh POLL!!!
Poll Phone PostingAnd there you have it. Everyone have a good weekend and be safe.