Wowza. Three months since the last update?!
Ah well. At least I've updated the finished books table, pitiful as it is. I didn't concentrate well in April and May. I blame the Xbox 360.
I re-read Cora Sandel's Alberte trilogy for the umpteenth time, and it's still good. Also, allow me to point out that everybody who enjoys historical fiction and/or SF absolutely must read Theodore Judson's
Fitzpatrick's War.
Amazon failed at delivering Zamyatin, again and again, and then I stumbled upon it in my darling local SF/fantasy bookstore. How I enjoyed making the reason of cancellation statement to Amazon.
Darling Amazon finally delivered Katharine Kerr's The Spirit Stone, the delay wasn't their fault for once, and goddamn but I thought it was the final book of the Deverry Saga. Yeah right, it definitely hints of more to come. Sigh - that series is the reason I've sworn never again to start on a fantasy series that isn't finished already. And Kerr's homepage is singularly unhelpful, it states she's still working on the book that came before The Spirit Stone, damnit.