Aug 15, 2003 15:07

Well, that was fun. No, really, it was actually kind of fun yesterday and this morning. XD

So Grandpa came over at about 3:00, and he was just chilling with us watching TV, I was online and pissed as fuck at that fucker still for being a bitch just cause I wanted to have some fun, but oh well. ^^;

Anyway, I was just lingering online with nothing to do, so was chilling watching TV with mom and Grandpa. Then I turn back to the computer and voom. It goes off, I look to my right, and the TV and AC are off, too.

Mom: :: stands up, walks past Tara ::

Tara: :: stares at the computer :: o_O; The power light is blinking on and off... :: stands up and follows mom to the kitchen, stares up at the light :: o.o; Oi, it's still on, but really dim.

Mom: Must be a brown-out. =/

Tara: :: runs back inside, the TV that was blinking before and the VCR are now totally out. Runs back outside to the kitchen, the light is off :: o_o;

Mom: Okay... a blackout then.

Of course, then I wasn't the least but phased, our building does this all the time. 9.9;

Mom: :: opens the door, peeks out ::

Tara: :: peeks out too :: o_O Woah shit, the whole building must be out.

Mom: :: goes downstairs ::

Downstairs neighbor: :: comes outside too. ::

Tara: :: Keeps peeking and listening out the door.

Neighbor: Hmm.. is it just our building?

Mom: =/ Tara, let me in when I come back. :: goes outside, skitters down street, looks around, comes back ::

Tara: :: rings bell to let her in :: ........... :: bell doesn't work, duh :: ... Aw shit. :: skitters downstairs and lets her in ::

Mom: Must be the whole block or something, everyone else is out too, and the traffic lights are off, too.

So we skitter back inside and after about 10 minutes of looking, we got our walkman and headphones, and mom listens to the radio. :B

Mom: Shit, it sounds like the whole fucking city is out. O_O;

After hearing this, mom went to the store and got us a few bottles of water just in case. o.o; Mom went back to listening to the radio. ^^ Of course, I fretted a little, because Joseph's building is 38 stories, and God forbid he or someone I know would get stuck in an elevator. But Joseph has a phone that plugs into a wall, a cordless, so unless it was off the hook, I wouldn't be able to talk to any of them. And then the phone rings. :B

Tara: :: picks up :: Hello? o.o!

Joanne: Uh... what's going on there?

Tara: Power's out all around.

Joanne: Heh, cause Dorothy just called me from her cell phone, and she and her friend heard that all of New York state is out too.

Tara:: .......o.o... All of New York STATE? Holy shit!!

Mom: O______________O

So then mom talks to Joanne and I fret s'more. xD Thinking of Manda and all my other friends, online and off that live in the area. Then mom, who was still pimping her radio, said that it went all the way up to Canada. :B So she goes out to check around some more and I take the walkman, hearing that it went as far as Ohio. xD

I worried about daddy, he takes the 4:00 bus into New Jersey, so I hoped he didn't get stuck in the tunnel or anything. After a while of worrying, he called us, since our phone doesn't have long distance and our cell phone was messing up. His power was still on. E_E LUCKY FUCKER!! But then I put mom on. XDDDDDD!!

Mom: Uh-huh.... okay... HAHA VERY FUNNY BYE :: HANGS UP ::

Tara: What did he say?

Mom: Before he hung up he said.. :: cough, imitate :: "I'm gonna go have a barbeque and then jump in the pool, HAHA!!" The fuck. E_E;


But daddy's story was that he cut it just at the line! he took the bus, and RIGHT after they got out of the Lincoln Tunnel someone said all the power in the city was out.

After a while, grandpa left, to buy himself a flashlight for later tonight for his house, since it seemed this was some big blackout that would last a while. ^^;

And mind you, it was my mother's birthday yesterday, so some birthday, huh? Well read on. :B It got funner.

So yeah, later we're listening to the walkman, still, my mom says that everyone was sitting in front of the bars and stuff. And so I decided to go with her to go see everyone, since it WAS her birthday, but we wanted to get back before nightfall because then it'd get crazy. ^^

So we walk to the corner first, and I see Joseph and Cynthia coming down my street! I made a dramatic run to them, and they were at their library class when it happened. xD So yeah, they were walking around taking pictures of everything. At the Deli on our corner, since the icecream was all melting to hell, it was a buck for an icecream, so I picked up a fruity strawberry icepop. ;D!! Joseph and Cynthia asked me to Times Square with them, but I decided not to go, wanted to stay near mom, I had no keys with me anyway. And the streets were packed with people.

So we walk over to Clinton Grille, and by then the icepop I had was pretty much melted all over my hand. ;_; But Troy was there, and some other people my mom knew were, too. Mom got a beer, the bars were racking up money. ^_^ Mom said to me, she said since the registers obviously weren't working, the money today goes straight to their pocket. Most people were outside, though, but the beers were at a high. =D After we hung there for a while, we walked down to 11th avenue through the traffic trying not to get hit by cars [since there are no traffic lights] and arrive at McQuaids.

Bernie was there, she's a bartender there. :B So we hung out with her. They had some slowly melting ice cream, so she gave me a spoon and I took a few spoonfuls to eat. People were drinking and shit outside, mom had two beers. ;D But we had fun there. Bernie was like "I'M SO LOOPY RIGHT NOW" XD And their kitchen was still open, but due to the situation, they couldn't do much for us. Some chicken fingers and shit. Bernie gave us four sandwiches and didn't even charge us.

By then the sun was setting, so me and mom decided to get home and light some candles to get ready for the dark. So we head home and I eat one of my sandwiches, we light the lantern and a normal candle.

Tara: :: sits near the lantern :: Hey mom..

Mom: Hmm?


Mom: -_- One, and IT'S YER MIDDLE.

Tara: ............. I feel Amish.

I found my CD player and headphones, got changed into some shorts and a shirt, it was hot as fuck in here. After hanging for a while, the sun set fully and deep deep darkness filled my world. XB; So me and mom skitter downstairs with out lantern because we wanna see up the street.

It was so spooky! =O Mom wanted to walk to the corner, but I didn't wanna.

On the way up though, I was like-

Tara: Uh... was it a good idea to leave the dog alone? [by this time, mom had eaten HER two sandwiches]


Tara and mom: :: RUNS UP STAIRS AND INTO HOUSE!!! ::

Roger: :: standing there with Tara's sandwich in his mouth, toothpick and all ::


Tara: .... ;___; my.. sandwich... :: WAS FUCKING HUNGRY, NO FOOD IN HOUSE EITHER! ::

So we got back, and of course, of ALL THE TIMES for out flashlight to stop working. ^^; It had to be last night ya know? So I was pissed. xD!! So I sat there and listened to Shoot [thank God my CD came last week] and flipped through my doujin to amuse me. But it didn't last long, I flopped onto the chair [we have a giant lounge chair thing] and listened to the radio on my cd player, while mom did on hers.

Radio: Candian's say they saw lightning hit a plant on our side, we're saying it was from their side. Canada's blaming us, and we're blaming Canada.

Tara: ..... >_>....... :: SINGS :: BLAME CANADA~!!!!! BLAME CANADA!!!!!

Most of the stores were closed anyway when the blackout started, but there was none open now, so I filled up a bowl of water and took in the cat treats to the living room for Roger and Cody, gave them some treats every hour until they were gone.

So yeah, we spent from 9 - 1am in the total darkness, with just two candles keeping us up. I was hungry as shit because the DOG ATE MY SANDWICH. E_______E; Then I got giddy and wanted to go to the corner, and now mom didn't, but we did anyway, and when we got out of the building we saw a shadow of a guy like.. stand up and walk toward us so went back in. O_O We were like "Fuck that!" We didn't wanna get mugged. xD

One good thing though, was that for the first time ever. ^^ We could see the stars in the sky, so I was staring at them for a while with my head out the window.

And about 1 I went to sleep, and woke up at about 7am today. Listened to the radio to find some of Manhattan got power back, but not us yet. Cody came up and layed next to me, and I kept listening to the radio. Seems about 2000 people who couldn't get anywhere were sleeping on the streets and shit in Times Square, and that some of the delis were helping them out.

Since it was morning, I was starving by then, since I only had one sandwich, and might I say, the sandwiches were small to begin with. VERY small. e.e; So yeah, I sit there for a few minutes until I look at the TV and VCR and see the power/clocks on for them! :D!!

Tara: :: stands, does a jig into the next room to her mom :: The poooo~weers back ooo~nn.

So after she wakes up, we walk to the delis, which are PACKED with people getting coffee and water and anything else that didn't spoil from yesterday. I got some water, a my chicken broth. ;D!

Daddy's coming over here later to give me my pass for this weekend. :D And yeah.

So I survived through the blackout okay, and actually had more fun than anything during it, and I hope you all made the best you could of it, too. :P So I wasn't really complaining about anything until night when we had two candles for light source, but other than that, I kept a happy face and made the best of it. XD

As the radio said - "People are bracing it and coping with it."



But I'm having problems with my cable [so the modem naturally] and my normal phone, so yeah, might not be too attentive.
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