Jun 10, 2005 20:42

ok, I've reached a decision, I'm going to rename my old journal.

shineko, you idea was a very good one, and I've thought carefully about it. But at the end, I can't do it. If I f-lock the old journal and have it as my "memories", I would have to make some kind of entry post for new people, and really, I not sure about my RL people reading even that. And I would not like people friending my old journal and not the new. I don't know, it's stupid, but I'm myself, and I'd like people to know that the girl who drew/wrote that is alive yet.

It's a pity, I had even thought of a banner, here it is: :D

Will be Snape scary enough to frighten off my RL people? XD

Anyways, it's time to update my ways and I'm going to open a Paypal account, and therefore I'll be able to pay for my re-naming, and probably a LJ paid account, too. Well... who knows what more... I'll have to harden my will. ;)

Anyway, as aranluc suggested, I'll use my paying-internet bank account. But I need to ask for a credit card, and I'll have to wait some seven/ten days. During those days, I don't know what to do. Does someone (_rp_zeal_, *hint, hint* ) know what happens with the posts and comments made by my new name after the re-naming? Will be deleted, or not?

LJ info says that you can take a new name before the re-naming (if you want to be really sure that that new name will be yours), and will be no problem if the mail address and password is the same. Then, all my comments by the old name and everything will change to my new name, and will not be lost. But I don't know what happens with the comments done by my new name. It's important, because... should I go answering your posts, or not? *____* Is not problem to you if they disappear after two weeks? ^^UUUU

Another thing, the links in comms to drawings in my old journal will broken. You can avoid that with a re-direction option, but I'm not sure if that option will re-direction also the old LJ address to the new, which is the MAIN point for this change. So, I can't risk.

I have only posted links to my stuff in hp_fringeart and lupin_snape, maybe those I can fix by hand, or make a new post with the four new working links. I don't know.

Well, that is it. It's a pity, because I was working in that SW fic featuring HOT Obi-Wan and jedi master Qui-Gon Jinn, and now will have to wait. Ejem... ^^UUUUU
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