10 Fandom Facts Meme

Aug 29, 2014 08:58

OK, I'll play, 'cause I got some things to relate:

1. I didn't discover the show until it was in the 7th season and it came through as a Netflix recommendation. I loved it immediately and couldn't believe I didn't know it. I didn't know who the boys were, I'd never seen Gilmore Girls or Smallville, Dark Angel, etc. (I have now -- last night I watched Devour. Good lord.) (As another aside, I had to stop watching GG once it was clear that Rory was going to break Dean's heart. I just couldn't watch that happen.)

2. I'm a Samgirl. I love baby-faced Sam and I love mature Sam. I love Soulless Sam: he's funny. And sexy. Clap Hands is one of my favorite episodes in the entire series. I also love Jared, and we share some impulse-control issues, apparently. Think before you tweet, sweetheart.

3. I discovered fandom when I was trying to find information on the demographics of the show's viewership. I'm a librarian; information-seeking is in my blood. That's when I discovered acafandom, and read some stuff about fandom, and decided to check it out.

4. At first I was much too literal-minded to understand fanworks. I distinctly recall telling someone that I didn't get Destiel, because angels were junkless.

5. I loved Wincest from the get-go, but I thought it was disrespectful to the actors to read J2.

6. Then I read some J2 AU and understood the appeal. But I still didn't want to read non-AU J2.

7. Then I read some good non-AU J2 and got the appeal of that, too.

8. The only tropes or kinks I actively avoid now are SMBD, watersports, JW/SW/DW or any combo involving John and the boys, and, for some reason, age differences. Though, after reading wendy go on about RLBIVOB, I read that. It hits so many of my squicks, but I like it anyway. Good writing conquers all.

9. 30 years ago, when there were still adult movie theaters in Times Square, I went to some gay porn movies with two male friends, one gay, one bi. I laughed pretty much all through, because the situations and writing were so bad. Now I have to stop myself from entering my credit card number on twink sites.

10. I watch an episode of the show almost every day, and I read fanfiction every single day. I humbly thank those of you still writing Wincest.

10 fandom facts meme

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