I was planning on making this a Cracked.com style listing with lots of bad mouthing and heroic imploring for relief from/avoidance of these films.
Apparently though, I can't even bear the weight of reading my own list to TRY and talk about this.
Instead: on your heads be it.
The First Two Films are IRREDEEMABLY Sad
The Road2.
Return To Paradise The Following Films Are Too Sad To Watch With Other People Because You Will Cry
Silent Hill4.
Empire of The Sun5.
AI The Last Movies Are Sad Enough To Watch When You Want To Cry
My Sister's Keeper7.
What Dreams May Come10.
My Girl PS: I wish I was tech savvy enough to put the ingenious Hyperbole and A Half's
Pain Scale on here as warning signs. . . .
EDIT: Now, I won't listen to any "That's not a sad movie!" crap, because you aren't me, and I know what made me cry. Just becasue you have a heart of stone doesn't mean I have to.But I will take any suggestions for really sad movies that made YOU cry, especially if you tell me which category they fall into . . . I hate to cry like I cried over The Road. . . 45 minutes after it was over, I was still sobbing my guts out, unable to stop.