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April Fool roundup
Apr 01, 2009 10:04
Tabloid editors to sit on Sentencing Guidelines Council
Guardian to be published exclusively via Twitter
Eco-friendly business cards
LJ redesigns its friends page
SRCF redirect their home page to a Gopher server
Shortpacked resurrects Roomies
Opera Face Gestures
Python PEP 401
Tartan sheep
Income tax loophole
Cars to be allowed on misguided bus route
Wikipedia has its usual front-page silliness
Sat-nav shoes
Twitter feedback to help Government rate universities
Dream recorder
Powdered beer
(OK, how many fools does one website need?)
Google's AI
(see also Street View for extra pandas) is showing a MySQL error
Thinkgeek have several fools
Kitten talent contest
Miss Universe visits Gitmo
apparently real
iPlayer now available on a toaster
Sponsored userpics
Off-the-record mode for IM
Concorde to fly again
Oh Jacqui, surely that can't be you?
BMW’s Magnetic Tow Technology
Modal Shift for Top Gear
Ubuntu to rewrite Linux kernel using Mono
Google to fund 'video Street View' for Central London
Lehman Brothers to make Frankenstein return
Gordon Brown proposes 'web traffic tax'
Haskell mascot
The Invisible Library, For Real…
Obama grants library fine amnesty
Daily WTF gets VC funding and reinvents itself as Twitter
RFC5513 IANA Considerations for Three Letter Acronyms
RFC5512 IPv6 over Social Networks
Save IE6
. (Though I'm curious how well it renders in IE6...)
Digital Lenses
HUD Sunglasses
Swiss Mountain Cleaners
Project Goat-See
MEGADETH to headline Truck Festival!
Shakespeare’s Robin of Sherwood on DVD
Galaxy Zoo: an unusual new class of galaxy cluster
The gravitational force law in the Solar System
Time variation of a fundamental dimensionless constant
China to be painted white to fight global warming
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april fools
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