not tired. at all.

Jan 11, 2010 03:48

Well with it being 3.30am with school in three hours I'm pretty much fucked.
It doesn't help that I've been off for three weeks and done none of me coursework/revision that I was meant too. Bastard.
So today was pretty ok, went to see 'Sherlock Holmes' again, but with me mum this time,
so 'discombobulate' sort of lost it's hilarity from the other week.
Tbh, these next few weeks are gonna be killers, UCAS deadline's Friday, and Halewood couldn't arrange a piss up in a brewery so getting into uni's gonna be fun.
Psychology exam in a week with a new teacher that can't even schedule lesson's properly, the spaz.

I KNOW 2010's going to be the worst year of my life.
Kill me.

Lol emo.
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