It's a reeaall slow day at work...

Sep 20, 2005 14:21

LJ Interests meme results

  1. autumn:
    I hated autumn until I moved out of Juneau. Fall in SE Alaska is wet, grey, and downright dismal. But elsewhere it is crisp, rust-colored, and faded around the edges.
  2. buffy the vampire slayer:
    A ditzy blonde kicks ass and saves the world. Repeatedly. I love it.
  3. cooking:
    I love the satisfaction of making a nourishing, pleasing meal for myself and others. It is creative and practical and tastes good too.
  4. food politics:
    You are what you eat.
  5. hem:
    The most beautiful band with the most beautiful songs, making me nostaligic for places I have never been.
  6. mountains:
    Imposing and powerful.
  7. oakland:
    Waaayy better than Berkeley.
  8. rain:
    It's wet and refreshing.
  9. soup:
    Warm and comforting and much harder to make well than people realize.
  10. the office:
    I watched both seasons entirely in a row. I laughed so hard I thought I was going to die.

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