The Future

Apr 16, 2012 19:11

Olympia is a fabulous place. The food leaves something to be desired. I mean, if you are into burgers and tater-tots then this is your place. But there's not much creative food going on, and I guess the ethnic food is in Lacey, the next town over. But this town supports local coffee shops and bookstores. There are several new bookstores, several used bookstores, and two comic book shops and all seem to be thriving. The local library is excellent too.

For the occult/pagan minded people, there are two crystal/psychic shops and they SUCK. They are creepy, dysfunctional places that I never want to enter again.

So this morning.... I had a flash of inspiration: I have long wanted to open my own bookstore, but this place needs a new bookstore like I need a hole in my head. But... what about a pagan/occult bookshop? This town clearly supports books, and doesn't have a pagan store.

I am not talking about some crappy crystal shop with a few Llewelyn books and bland tarot decks. I'm talking BOOKS. Serious books. Maybe even a lending library. A collection of tarot decks. A bookstore where I would shop. Maybe selling botanica items from artisans I know and trust. Having a space to host readings and workshops. Maybe having a back room for ..... the juicier stuff.

There are two places in Seattle. One store is ok. The other covers a variety of spiritual paths and is fab, but isn't specific. I suspect that with the right stock and guests the place could attract people from Seattle and Portland.

I talked to Adam and he's excited about the idea. We've talked about having a third baby, buying a house. I think we're still on for a third baby (can't wait too much longer.... I'm not getting any younger). But the house could wait. Maybe we could find a space and live over the store. Adam could still work from home. And then eventually we could get a house and rent out the place above.

I feel like the pieces will fall into place if this is the right idea. I'll keep one eye open. I have several people whose brains I want to pick. I feel like I know some people, including my retired real estate agent dad, who could help.

I feel like this could be the right direction for me and my family. It's crazy, but just might work. It's crazy, but it seems like most of the decisions I make are crazy.... and so far, so good!

For those of you who do or would frequent such a place, what are the things you most want to see in a local pagan store? What are the things you hate?

adam, oly, paganism, books, work

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