Feb 14, 2011 11:39
I slept upright in Adam's office last night. It was a beautiful night. The moon set early and I watched the evening star make its path across the night sky. No sinus headache, very few coughs, and no rib aching in the night. I think I may sleep a few more nights like that to really beat these symptoms.
Today is a beautiful morning. I am tired, still achey, but not nearly in as much pain. In fact, if I made it through yesterday with out pain meds I can surely make it through the next however many days without anything stronger than paracetamol. My mother (a nurse) thinks that I shouldn't get anything stronger since even though the baby is full term, oxygen is at a premium due to space and my own limited breathing. Anything that might cause sluggishness for the babe at this stage isn't wise. She's got a point.
I'm feeling so much better I may actually leave the house.
Two hours later: After doing some dishes, a friend coming by for tea, and taking a shower, I don't think I'll be leaving the house today. But I am doing better and I am grateful. I feel ready to settle back into some semblance of routine and get on with our lives.