I brought my keyboard back into my room (because I had an itching for the lil' black n whites), and now there is almost no space in my room. The keyboard makes it impossible to access my dresser without moving it, and to say the least, I'm crampered. My mom is trying to convince me to move into the basement, and while that does have it's appeal, I sorta don't wanna go. My room is tiny and filled with more stuff than it can fit, but I like it.
Tonight I was followed by a car. I thought it was a friend of mine, but it wasn't. I wasn't just being paranoid either, they were most definitely following me. CREE-P!
I felt compelled to update this but now I'm sort of regretting it. Though it'd be silly to delete everything I've already written, no?
I want my band to finish our cd. I'm getting frustrated by how long it's taking. Right now I'm getting a guilty feeling that hacing and updating a live journal is the most self indulgent, shamelessly self-centered thing one could do. I I I. MEMEME><>><>><><<><>@L:FESNAO{fn
Im so sad that school is ending.wahwah.
So as you probably didn't notice, I never update this anymore. But I like the interview fad tagging thing that's going on so I figured I'd give it a shot. Sorry I'm no good at it, but maybe I;m just a bit rusty.
1. At one point this summer, I would like to consume Sol's pizza for the first time in my life. Will this be possible?
-As soona s you take me out on that coconut cafe date that you stood me up on, you'll have sol's pizza.
2. Did you actually ever like the krugster?
- I may have liked Big K a bit, but I think it was less of actually liking her and more of liking the idea of liking someone. I was pretty desperate at that point, and had I known the circumstances (/the people) a bit better, I- well basically, Not really, but sorta, but I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for bringing it up though. pal.
3. What did you think about sari while i was dating her?
-I was genuinely happy for you, so I was fine with her. She seemed okay, but I didn't really know her. I still don't really know her, and will still always think about being in 8th grade and making jokes about "Smiley". I guess I feel the same way about her now as I did then, which is mainly indifferent, but back then it was the good side of indifferent, now it's the indifferent side of indifferent.
4. If you had to bone one of the two Islands violinists, which one and why?
-Alex Chow in a heartbeat. He's goofy, he knows it, and he embraces it. The other one tries to be a rock super star and just looks really rame (and I bet you his weewee is small, to boot.)
5. How did you meet eileen? or like... when did you start liking her Az like M0re than a Fr3nd?
-While playing quarters with her at a party over the summer. And yes, you may argue that that feeling was being drunk and horny, cause it was. We're kind of just a drunk hook up that worked out really well. I think the first time I thought of her as someone I like was after leaving her house after watching some late night movies with sum peeps. It was the same night that we first did a lil' suttin'suttin' and I was all "yeah, dat bitch iz pretty coo, yo." which is of course the gangsta interpretation of "warm and fuzzy [and ToTOoltlaly gAy]". So pretty much, after our first kissed, which was totally spontaneous and not pre-meditated in the least I started to like her, and haven't stopped since. yes, i am pursuing a career writing hallmark cards.anddatsdatruf.