May 31, 2006 00:17
Okay, so the administration screws up a lot. Sure they have sucked for most of our senior class. What year has the administration not sucked though? I mean there are constant complaints with the administration every year. This is not something new, and it is not just our class that always gets blamed for junk, it's always the senior class. So put down the pitchforks and just live with what we have to deal with, because the administration has a crap load more they have to worry about. Sure they do suck, but making their job harder is not going to make them any better.It's great that Jeff and Will got into West Point, but the administration can only handle so much.
By the way, people who listen to talk shows need to realize that they LIKE controversy, they like to get people pissed off like every one is doing because all it does is raise the interest in THEIR show. Whatever the station is, could care less what people do as long as they get the entire community in the Kinp Philip area to listen to the show. The radio station really has no clue what the administration is doing, so why the heck are people even listening to it. There could be a perfectly legitamate reason for the administrations decision and people have not given them enough time to state it. Whatever the case is, the radio station could care less as long as people keep fueling its popularity.
To the people out there that feel like harassing Dr. Robbat and leaving him messages and emails against him, all I have to say is, screw you. If anything he is the best of the administration. He is never seen far from school events, and often supports many of the activities that go on around the school grounds AND outside of the school grounds. He takes interests in classes and drops by to check on things, and he also takes interests in the students by going to all sports events if he can, and also band/choral events. Robbat on top of all the crap he's had to deal with, seems that this year he has been trying to create a decent school system with what he's been given, on top of having to deal with construction issues. Any one who has anything against Robbat just doesn't deserve to go to graduation because your not supporting the one person who supports every one in the school. So whatever the reason the administration has, leave it alone, it's not worth the bother, and it's not worth it to add on a bunch of crap to what they already have to deal with.