This evening I made specifiable at runtime some of the parameters previously built-in to the transit trip planner - for instance, the speed the transit rider is able to move along the street, to transfer between stops or walk to the origin or destination stops. Here's the transit reachability map for the same origin at the same time of day, for different street speeds.
Each graphic shows 15, 30, and 45-minute reachability intervals.
1 mph - slow walking speed
2 mph - average walking speed
4.5 mph - slow biking speed
9 mph - average biking speed
Some contouring artifacts showing up - pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. At a fairly slow biking speed, the contour intervals are losing their ragged appearance, meaning that, interestingly, the bike is doing most of the traveling.
15 mph - brisk biking speed
Contouring artifacts get fairly bad. Within 45 minutes the entire metropolitan area is within reach.