Jun 03, 2008 12:43
Cross-posted from the Transit-Developers Google Group:
Mornin' Folks,
I'd like to share my weekend project with you, a visualization of
GTFS-formatted transit data. These videos, produced using the rad
programming language 'Processing', display a dynamic map of the progression
of all vehicles in a transit system over a span of time. Little erupting
circles signal the departure of a vehicle from a stop. I've produced four so
far, three of which I've uploaded to Flickr:
Portland Trimet, Weekday, from 4 AM to 12 Midnight:
Orange County Transit Authority, Weekday, 4 AM to 12 Midnight:
Bay Area Rapid Transit, Weekday, 4 AM to 12 Midnight:
I made this as an illustration and confirmation of the principle that Joe
just posted about - that government is better suited to the creation and
dissimination of raw data, and the community is far better suited to
community-facing applications. Moreover, while open data is good, open
_standards_ are even better, effectively greasing the skids for innovation.
I'm an alright programmer but I'm a terrible artist. In the hopes someone
can take this work and make it even prettier, I've included the source code
under the MIT license.