Aug 20, 2004 01:27
I'm bored, bear with me if I start ranting now. there are some really good movies on Premiere lately. today I watched Equilibrium, such a brilliant movie. it made me want to finally finish reading 1984. it also made me realize once again what an excellent actor Christian Bale is and that's an understatement but everybody knows that already. I mean, just imagine if they really had to have used Leonardo DiCaprio in American Psycho. "I like to dissect women. Did you know I'm utterly insane?" who else could have pulled off that line? give that man his Oscar already. not only that but he does have the perfect face doesn't he? it reminded me of the documentary about beauty and what defines beauty. or maybe I just think so because I always see him in movies where he's supposed to be all slick and perfect. Ivan doesn't think so but he has to play Luke in the Shopaholic series, has to. the moment he appeared in the book I thought Christian Bale! it'd probably destroy his credibility but then again, he was in Corelli's Mandolin for god's sake. never had a clue that it was actually HIM who played Madras, Sina's and my famous Madrrras. maybe I would have enjoyed the movie at least a little if I had known that it was him. it was the first and only time that I completely let Sina decide what movie we watched. there were 5 people in the theatre, 3 old women below us and us at the other end. they were almost dying, crying and had to use hundreds of tissues and we were crying of laughter because me, being the old sarcastic hag and Cage&Cruz fan I am, had to add my comments. 100% politically incorrect but oh well, since that day we have another 100 insider jokes :-P
oh and Häärchen's back. he wants to study journalism and it's weird because I thought about that a lot lately. I always get it as a result whenever we go to these job counsellors with school but it's really one of the only ideas I could get used to. I'll work for some magazine like Visions or whatever, interview people like John, Peej and Incubus, listen to albums before they're actually released and go to concerts to write reviews, doesn't sound too bad, does it?