Aug 07, 2008 15:58
I've reached the conclusion that the reason I don't write here as much as I used to a few years ago is that I've become totally paranoid when it comes to my language and writing. That's what Translation, Essay Writing and Linguistics classes will do to you. Hours and hours and hours of talking about tenses and collocations and transitions. Anyway, the semester is over now and I've spent most of my time going shopping, playing guitar and reading. I can't bring myself to write any term papers yet. Long live procrastination! However, doing a lot now means that next term I'll only do five classes and no exams or papers. Then in the sixth semester I'm not gonna have any classes at all and I'll "only" have to write my Bachelor thesis. And then I'll have to decide what kind of a Master's degree I want to do, whether I want to go on studying English as a whole or specialize. I'm tending towards American or English Literature. Could someone make the decision for me, please? We'll seee...still one year to go. So yeah, next term's schedule:
Tue 09-11 English syntax: Form and function
Tue 11-13 From Shakespeare to Wilde: How Funny is Comedy?
Wed 09-11 From Shakespeare to Wilde: How Funny is Comedy?
Thu 09-13 19th Century American Poetry
In the next few weeks I'll spend a few days in Hamburg and a week in Holland. Maybe I'll go to Amsterdam in September to see My Brightest Diamond. Maybe maybe maybe. It would basically be the same trip we did for My Brightest Diamond last year. And even if I don't go to see MBD in Amsterdam, I'll still see her in Nijmegen on exactly the same day as last year. I say, we make an annual tradition out of it. She's gonna come here with *gasp* her string quartet and the lovely Clare & the reasons as her support. I never would've expected her to bring the string quartet! I actually talked with Marla (viola) about MBD's new album and concerts after Jens Lekman's concert in Nijmegen last February. Fast forward a few months and, what do you know, I'll see Marla again at the same venue but this time with MBD. I couldn't ask for more.
And now I'll go to bed now and read Paul Auster's "The Brooklyn Follies". I found a really cheap hardcover copy of it in a tiny book shop in Cologne. It's strange to read a hardcover when you're usually used to paperback. So far it's a good book though. I was actually supposed to be playing minigolf right now but every single time Sina and I even utter the word "minigolf" it starts to rain. Heaven knows how many times we've already wanted to do it this year and it ALWAYS rains.