Jul 13, 2007 21:00
so I came to many many realizations today about life. I'm so tired and yet so at peace right now sage readers out there will find my babble boring and tired, to be sure. but hey, we all start somewhere, right?
I realized in order to really LET another just BE...you have to let go of your expectations. OK OK...yes, I've HEARD this before, but i really got it today. when doing some thought/soul searching on a private journal entry...it came to me. crystal clear.
another thing, I am a very emotive person. As such, I *can* cover up my emotions, but when pushed to the limit, I go into overexplosion mode and do not know how to contain myself (read: freakout!) Realizing this doesn't limit me to having to be this way, it actually let's me be the opposite, calm and not giving into fear...as a matter of choice.
The other thing I learned today is : if your dog has already pooped and you take him for a walk in the park...he just MAY poop again.