
Sep 10, 2009 00:01

  • 00:33 I don't want to go to class tomorrow. I haven't had to for 5 days. Can't this year be over so I am done with school? #
  • 08:48 My professor just talked about fandom. Hehehe. #
  • 09:25 Killing time before work. The new Grey's SP pics are helping...but I think I killed my computer loading them all at once. #
  • 10:04 Oh how I miss you good Grey's. If I didn't love your characters (& Paddy) so much, I wouldn't watch anymore. *sigh* #
  • 10:17 Off to work. Which shall suck but Kyle should have a Cherry Coke waiting for me cuz I won the bet, cuz hello BSU is amazing. #
  • 14:11 @ GraveDancer40 If that happens I might LOVE Grey's again. I am ok with Derek's Anatomy (in more ways than one). Izzie's Anatomy is ANNOYING! #
  • 20:39 I just got REALLY excited cuz I was reminded I AM SEEING SNOW PATROL IN A MONTH in a TINY venue. AHHHHH!! *loves them* #
  • 20:59 Guh Gary Allen is playing in Boise on December 6th! With Jack Ingram too! Why couldn't it be a FRI OR SAT OR A WEEKISH LATER. Ah. *wants* #
  • 21:02 I need to STOP looking at concerts I can't go to in Boise. It hurts to much. The list keeps getting longer and longer. #
  • 21:02 *goes to read fanfiction* #
  • 22:04 Ok I hate when my fan blows air on me, but if I just keep it stationary it gets to hot. ANNOYING. #
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