
Sep 05, 2009 00:03

  • 12:35 Grocery shopping: Check. Dishes: Not check. Clean room: Not check. I should go be productive some more...but I think I might take a break. #
  • 13:06 I am an awesome TA. Though it might be cuz I LIKE organizing things in excel spread sheets. #
  • 13:45 I just filled out my paperwork so I can graduate in May. It's kind of freaking me out...I will have to be a REAL adult then. #
  • 14:02 @ shondarhimes If Bailey is now an attending wouldn't Callie be one too? The fight for Chief resident meant same year in residency right? #
  • 21:25 I uh rented the Hannah Montana movie...finally. Is it sad I am kind of excited to watch it? #
  • 23:16 @ taylorswift13 Hey I stayed in watching the Hannah Montana movie. I am 21. Friday nights are sometimes better spent in. #
  • 23:17 Ok I am going to admit it. I kind of really liked the Hannah Montana movie. SHHH don't tell my film friends...I already get enough crap. #
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