Obi-Wan picked the worst of all possible times to forget the safety word.
Here are some different ways Ewan injures himself on film. Please enjoy while I go to France and "look for someone"...and you know who you are :P
not totally work safe:)
Ewan's injuries and illnesses are vast and include...
Chapped lips from licking them too much.
Chafing from not wearing undies under rough fabric.
Nipple burns from ashes.
Broken heart over losing the love of his life- his sexy, yummy, adorable, sweet, growly, delicious, virile, frisky love muffin, Anakin.
Premature ejaculation.
Split ends.
Excedarin Headache
Growing hair on his hands from too much...
Lactose intolerance. :P
Raw skin on back of neck from incessant rubbing during coy moments.
Irritation of the penile region due to acidity of catsup, graininess of sugar and clumpiness of custard.
and of course, his major illness...
Delusions of being the Cutest Padawan Ever.