SO yea, in my college Psychology class today, my teacher was talking about how you don't necessarily need to take a drug to feel a high. My thoughts were, Ewan is my drug, he makes me happy and takes me away from the real world...hmmm. Ewan is a very nice drug and I'm sure you all agree, defiantly my drug of choice that I don't want an anti drug for. Ok..enough babble from are your caps, enjoy.
probably not dial up friendly so beware
AHHH, What a Ewan-ful past few days I've had. Tuesday I believe it was I got Down With Love for 4 dollars, 2 Ewan Biographies for 8 and after selling a bunch of stuff I got the 2 disk Moulin Rouge DVD for 3 dollars. YES FOR THE EWAN! I also finally finished watching Nora the other night, and liked it more then I thought I would. The very sexual scenes caught me off gurad cause this is the first serious Ewan film I've seen. At this point I've scene, Blue Juice, Little Voice (which I am giving you all caps of), Down With Love, Moulin Rouge (which you also get caps of), Life Less Ordinary, Stars (except Sith which I am seeing tonight cause I am slow, Oh the Obi love) and Nora, so you can see how it through me for a loop, a good loop, but a loop none the less.
Probably my fave sequence in the movie
Have to have a smile pictures :-D gah the grin
being a gentleman Dwayne yet
ahh the grin again
and of course playing with his birds
and of course, the infamous Dwayne