Hi, all! The owner/moderator of this lovely community asked me to post about some of the more often used fanfic acronyms/abbreviations. Of course, after I agreed, I discovered that the best fandom glossary I know of no longer seems to function (though it might come back online later, in which case I suggest that those who're interested check back
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*lol!* Don't worry. I think Qui-Gon is a bloody hypocrite and a pompous arse. I mostly tolerate him only because Obi-Wan loves the lunk like his father. Well, that and I think I'd get burned at the stake if I didn't at least try to tolerate him and at least give him a chance to try to redeem himself. *Makes wholly innocent face over the fact that said redemption is going to drag him through several wringers and nearly get him "killed," which is going to be a fairly serious thing considering he's already dead and a Force spirit*
Padme's ludicrous inconsistencies as a character in both canon and EU are a serious problem to me, but the truth of the matter is that she's probably so darn inconsistent because she's frankly not as important as a character to Lucas and so doesn't get as much attention paid to her, with the result that she essentially comes across as an entirely different (and progressively morally weaker and more selfish) person in every single one of the prequel films and that her relationship with Anakin isn't really portrayed in the same way in any of the EU sources, none of which match up to what we're given/shown in the films and the novelizations of the films (which carry more weight, to me, than the EU, because they're G-canon and not C-canon). I really think she was in love with the idea of Anakin, the idea that she could have someone like Anakin (and so know love and have a little family of her own) without having to give up the career and the life she'd built for herself, more than she cared for Anakin himself, as a person. She cared about him and she certainly seems to have become infatuated with him, but she wasn't in love with him and she didn't (by my definition of the emotion) truly love Anakin. And Anakin, as we all know, was obsessed with the idea he had of Padme as his own personal angel.
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God, I can't stand the saintly notion people have of Qui-Gon. The guy was a hypocrite (one instant Obi-Wan's ready for his trials, the next he's Qui-Gon's very young apprentice who still has much to learn?! Oh, yeah, right, and like the man isn't just talking out of both sides of his mouth in order to pursue something he wants as a prop to his own vainglory, just then!!!) who always thought he knew best (better even than 800-plus-year-old Grand Master Yoda, for pity's sake!) and who pretty much ruined everything and everyone he touched. His first Padawan? Qui-Gon killed the boy's father in front of his eyes and then abandoned him to his fate and the Dark Side because the boy was not too pleased with dear ol' Master afterwards. He kept refusing to take Obi-Wan as an apprentice, despite what the Force willed, out of sheer stubborness. He abandoned Obi-Wan in the middle of one of their fist missions, on a world in the midst of a generations-long civil war, in order to rush his own childhood crush and secret love back to the Temple for healing, because Obi-Wan didn't want to abandon the mission and Qui-Gon couldn't be bothered to deal with him when Tahl had a boo-boo that needed bacta. I could go on like this for paragraphs more! The list of that man's crimes in the EU alone (without even touching on his sickeningly skewed, for expediency's sake only sense of ethics, in the actual films) is longer than I am tall! I can't stand him. I tolerate him for two reasons alone: 1) Obi-Wan loves the s.o.b. like a father and 2) I'd prefer not to be sacrificed by being burned at the stake by the Qui-Gon-ites.
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Well, aside from the fact that I'm pretty sure he wouldn't've fallen without Sidious there to push him, I put the blame for Anakin's fall as follows: 50% on the hypocrisy and fear of the High Council and Qui-Gon's manipulativeness, 40% on Padme's selfishness and the fact that her very presence in his life taught him how to keep secrets he shouldn't have from Obi-Wan and to break rules he shouldn't've been so willing to break if he was that set on being a Jedi, and 10% on Anakin's own stupidity and pride. Anakin is one of the few characters in SW I can feel almost wholly sorry for and still want to smack, because honestly, when it all comes down to it, there's no excuse for what he does. He knows better. He has someone he could've gone to for help when he started to realize he was in over his head and he refused to do it because he was too afraid to risk having to explain what he'd been up to with Padme. After everything, Obi-Wan STILL didn't want to have to hurt him, and he could have turned back, but it was easier to explode at Padme for bringing Obi-Wan there where he didn't want him and to lash out about how unfair everyone was being and etc. *Sighs in exasperation*
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