Nov 26, 2008 09:50
1) My mp3 player isn't working and this makes me miserable. It's my own fault for not charging it for three months - it's not charging now. In my defence for a lot of that I didn't have anything to charge it with but OH GOD NOW I CAN'T TAKE DRAGONETTE OR PATRICK WOLF WITH ME WHEN I TRAVEL. Misery.
2) I want to learn rock piano.
3) OK RIGHT SO TWILIGHT. I read the first chapter and it wasn't bad. But Bella. Jesus. Shut the fuck up, woman. Stop your weeping. And there was the "First-Person-Looks-In-Mirror" description which is a massive peeve of mine. It's clumsy and stupid, don't do it. I shall read the rest of it instead of dozing to Patrick Wolf on the tube.
4) I mean OXFORD tube not LONDON UNDERGROUND as i shall be heading to Ox for today so you're safe from LJspam for the time being. :D
5) I finished Dead Until Dark, the True Blood book, and it's good. I enjoyed it. I missed the tv!Lafayette and Tara, but the book!Sookie was definitely superior, even though Anna Paquin is all sorts of awesome. Also, I have some thoughts regarding Bill and how uneven he was in the tv show - one minute licking Sookie's headwound (loved it) to being a giant sap and all heartbroken (as much of a lapdog as Sam, and THAT was the sappiest character since the LotR Ents!!!) - but they can wait until I'm nursing a post-rugby hangover tomorrow. And I missed the whole serial-killer-resolution thing they had in the show, because that was HIGH ART.
6) GO OXFORD BROOKES. I will be wearing pink for you so if you do not win against Oxford Uni I am going to be mighty irritable.
And, damnit, since I woke up at 1pm on Sunday I haven't had more than 6 hours sleep in total. I can feel myself coming apart at the seams. I feel absolutely dire. But, hey, rugby and alcohol... :D
true blood,