(no subject)

Jul 27, 2005 22:55

Well it seems like forever since I posted anything on here, let alone anything worthwhile.. The bands both seem to be doing well, INAB in particular, found out the other week that we've got the 18 Visions support for Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne, which is really cool. Although I kind of feel out of the loop considering I've never even heard 18 Visions before, I'm sure they're cool but I reckon they need to fire their hair stylist..
Synthesist are rolling along also, thanks to anyone who came and rocked out with us at Next last Thursday. We've written a fair chunk of new material and have some shows in Melb and then in Adelaide coming up a week after 18 Visions, playing with Cry Murder and Truth Corroded so it should be some metaltastic fun.
INAB demoed the new album, it's going to be epic haha. "Bring me the horizon" is due out for release in October so keep your eyes or earlobes peeled.
The newish job (been there 2 1/2 months) is going ok, I just don't think I can see myself doing it in 5 years time, which kinda sucks because theres some good people there, but unfortunately mental stimulation is amiss. Not to mention after 5 years your spine would be twisted and worn down like hell. Anyone got 50 grand they want to lend me to build a recording studio?? haha.
Speaking of health, mine's been shithouse, after a dose of laryngitis a while ago my voice is still knackered, although the girls say its sexy sounding, it's fucking annoying and driving me round the twist.
I realized the other day, there is so many people I haven't seen in ages, it really sucks. I went to visit one of my closest friends and found out hes engaged and buying a house. I kind of realized how out of the loop I am at times. I haven't seen the All else Fails guys either, which isn't cool, although I'll see Robbo tomorrow in his new band Chase Manhattan.
I've been buying way too many cd's and records of late, to the point where i can't decide what I want to listen to half the time.. Getting hectic. However, new Nile is brutal (cheers Rohan) and the new Red Chord cd is great also.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's kinda weird how a few months ago Metalcore was the in flavour of the month, and after Sike Your Mind, I realized Old School has come back into vogue..I'm not really complaining, and besides my opinion isn't worth shit anyways haha, but bands sound like they want to go back into the early 90's which is kinda cool, on the proviso you do it well.
By the way, new Her Nightmare is tougher than you or I will ever be.

If anyones interested in buying my old drum kit, a Tama Rockstar Custom 5 piece.. Hit me up either by email evyl@iprimus.com.au or call me if you have my mobile.
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