Apr 30, 2007 02:41
Went to Pike's formal last night with Derek. Started out awkard and sucky, but got way better once the dancing started-- thank you to Derek and Brittany for being nice, and to Stawberry Daquiri Girl with the home-made "Why, of course I'm 21!" bracelette for remembering my face and dancing with me. Wherever you are, you are my hero for the next two weeks. At least.
Tonight was my last night for work for the semester. I stayed an extra hour because two to the copy editors from the shift after me got stuck in Augusta... But whatever. Last night of actual work, so everyone was cheerful, and I got an extra hour of pay. And they asked me to stay, but not Jesse or Hannah, which kinda makes me feel special. Plus Conyers was happy for once. Normally he's all stressed and cranky during production nights for one reason or another, but tonight he was bouncing around the office making people pose in pictures with him. The one I'm in has me working dilligently on an article with two people tackle him in a foot ball game behind me. It turned out good.
And then I got back, and Jen came in with Kacey. I told them that ice cream was in order. And then PJ hear icecream and decided Denny's was a good idea. So we went to Denny's and ordered way more food than we intended. But whatever. It was good. God, I love apple crisp.
Still haven't started French homework. But whatever. Didn't write an essay for the class that was due about two weeks ago. But he handed them back, and I didn't get one, so rather than remembering that I didn't hand it in, he was like "I must have lost it! Turn it in on Monday!" And I was going to take advantage of his silliness, but then I forgot until after work, and now I'm fracking lazy, so I'll just go with the first plan on taking the zero. Whatever. not worried.
I think that's about it.
Cookies and Creme
PS- This is the first time I've wanted a drink because I'm in a good mood. How cool is that? ^_^