Apr 07, 2005 11:08
I haven't updated in a while. Whats new? Everything and nothing.
The weather is absolutely fantastic lately, and it makes me realize EXACTLY how much I missed the summer. It's one of those things that you forget, because when fall first comes you're sick of summer, and then by November and December you are excited for the holidays, and then by the time January and February roll around its been cold for so long that you forgot what summer was like in the first place.
But now that its getting warm and sunny and its starting to SMELL like summer... I'm having a really hard time keeping myself in school. Especially with these 2 hour delays. Every morning I get up and think to myself, "school's half over anyway, why bother going?" But i fight the urge to go sit outside and instead go to school and do exactly what I've been doing for the past 7.25 months.