Link dump

May 22, 2009 19:10

- Verizon refuses to help cops find missing 62-year-old man by turning on his cell signal, because his account had $20 past due. The man was eventually found unconscious, just as sheriffs were getting ready to figure out how to pay the $20 (I'm not sure what that means; couldn't they just have given out a credit card or something?)

- A hilarious Criggo

- via boingboing, Starbucks Twitter campaign hijacked by people protesting the company's policies. Commenter #3: "Its time major brands learned that they can't control the social media conversation - and the crowd does."

- All original cast signed on for Ghostbusters 3: "Apparently Bill Murray, who holds a one-fifth controlling interest, was very reluctant at first, not even willing to read a third draft of Aykroyd's script. Aykroyd would like to see Ivan Reitman or Harold Ramis direct, wants to introduce a 'new generation' of Ghostbusters, and believes they could be filming the new Ghostbuster movie by winter."

starbucks, ghostbusters, movies, verizon

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