
Dec 22, 2006 23:23

A few years ago on a casino trip (how many of my stories begin this way?) someone asked whether I qualified as a whale, and I said I really didn't think I was anywhere close, and captainparanoid said "What about a manatee?" so that's what I've been ever since. (This explains the manatee-themed shirt I have, and the nice manatee pin I got from bunny_froufrou).

So I especially liked this boingboing item about hornymanatee.com and how it came to be. Conan O'Brien did one of his "lesser known NCAA mascots" sketches, which included "the FSU web cam manatee" and he ad libbed something about hornymanatee.com. After the taping, NBC decided they'd better register the domain before some domain squatter snapped it up and put porn on it or something, and subsequently it became an Internet phenomenon, as things will.

The hornymanatee.com video page has a video clip chronology, including this one which features James Lipton dancing with the manatee.

gambling, conan o'brien, tv

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