schneier, AT&T has
a new privacy policy:
The new policy says that AT&T -- not customers -- owns customers' confidential info and can use it "to protect its legitimate business interests, safeguard others, or respond to legal process."
The policy also indicates that AT&T will track the viewing habits of customers of its new video service -- something that cable and satellite providers are prohibited from doing.
Moreover, AT&T (formerly known as SBC) is requiring customers to agree to its updated privacy policy as a condition for service -- a new move that legal experts say will reduce customers' recourse for any future data sharing with government authorities or others.
A Vancouver, WA man has been
charged with theft of services for repeatedly parking his truck outside a coffee shop and using their free wi-fi without buying anything. Seems like there would be technical ways to deal with this, but when you get down to it I guess the guy is stealing Internet service...
War-driving blog spammer
caught in the act; now what? (This is right on the index page and doesn't seem to have a permanent link, so the story may go away later... EDIT: oops, "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded" as of 3:15 PM PDT 6/23)
I came home early from work on Tuesday because I felt like crap. When walking to my apartment, I noticed a guy in his car with a laptop. Since I am the only person in my apartment building with wi-fi, I thought this was pretty suspicious. So, when I got up stairs, I pulled out my trusty packet sniffer to see if anyone else was on my network and what they were doing. Turns out they were spamming all kinds of blog sites with tons and tons of crap about phentermine.
He is able to photograph the car, and follows the guy home.
Now that I know the home address of a spammer and war-driving bastard, what should I do. Nothing illegal, of course, but anyone got any awesome ideas? The guy doesn't seem to have any trees so childish things like toilet-papering his house won't work. I also don't want to scare the guy too much because I drove by again today and he has kids (The Spammers are Breeding!!!).