When I lived in LV, I got a bunch of Bass Pro Shops gift cards in exchange for slot club points at the Silverton[1] (this was before they let you convert them into freeplay), which I used to buy hiking equipment, a Columbia winter jacket, etc.
Some of this was from their online store, so naturally I opted in to their mailing list (I suppose on the off chance of future promotional codes the next time I need more hiking supplies or whatever), which has led to a certain amount of entertainment value in receiving such emails as:
There was also an earlier email with the subject "2nd Amendment Savings!"
This reminds me of a time someone posted to an astronomy group about a reasonably cheap set of pretty nice binoculars available from
The Sportsman's Guide. I ordered a pair, and the following winter received a phone call from a friendly operator noting that deer season was coming soon and would I be interested in buying blah blah blah?
None of this bothers me in the least; I'm just easily amused :-)
[1] The connection is that the Silverton has a Bass Pro Shops attached to it. If you've never been in a BPS, they are awesomely huge.
jnala once succinctly described it as "redneck Fry's" although that only helps if you are a nerd in an area that has a Fry's. Among other things, they sell guns, although Google tells me Clark County has a 72-hour waiting period (apparently NV in general does not have one, but some NV municipalities do), so the dealers probably don't have to worry too much about disgruntled unlucky patrons.