I'm not really in their target demographic

Dec 20, 2012 23:34

When I lived in LV, I got a bunch of Bass Pro Shops gift cards in exchange for slot club points at the Silverton[1] (this was before they let you convert them into freeplay), which I used to buy hiking equipment, a Columbia winter jacket, etc.

Some of this was from their online store, so naturally I opted in to their mailing list (I suppose on the off chance of future promotional codes the next time I need more hiking supplies or whatever), which has led to a certain amount of entertainment value in receiving such emails as:

There was also an earlier email with the subject "2nd Amendment Savings!"

This reminds me of a time someone posted to an astronomy group about a reasonably cheap set of pretty nice binoculars available from The Sportsman's Guide. I ordered a pair, and the following winter received a phone call from a friendly operator noting that deer season was coming soon and would I be interested in buying blah blah blah?

None of this bothers me in the least; I'm just easily amused :-)

[1] The connection is that the Silverton has a Bass Pro Shops attached to it. If you've never been in a BPS, they are awesomely huge. jnala once succinctly described it as "redneck Fry's" although that only helps if you are a nerd in an area that has a Fry's. Among other things, they sell guns, although Google tells me Clark County has a 72-hour waiting period (apparently NV in general does not have one, but some NV municipalities do), so the dealers probably don't have to worry too much about disgruntled unlucky patrons.

bass pro shops, las vegas, gambling, astronomy, nttawwt, hiking

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