Nov 12, 2012 22:22
Can someone explain to me what the deal is with parents tagging FB photos of their children with the parents' names (and/or tagging photos of their friends' children e.g. at parties using their adult friends' names)?
I *suppose* if you are worried your friend/spouse might not notice the new photos in their news stream (not unreasonable if they have a lot of FB activity to wade through) then tagging them serves the purpose of making sure they notice it via the notification flagging.
However I suspect the primary reason people do it is they think it's cute, which I find goddamned annoying, because I am a curmudgeonly asshole. (It can't be because I hate cute things, because OMGKITTENS!)
The legitimate reason it's annoying is because it also clutters up the news stream of everyone who's friends with the adult that is tagged in the picture of their offspring. But there again I suppose they consider that a feature.
It's not even so much that I hate looking at other people's kid photos (up to a point, just like vacation photos) -- it's the mislabeling that bugs me.
get off my lawn,