I read
this AV club interview with Bryan Cranston and the main thing that leapt out at me* was the phrase "Len Wiseman's upcoming remake of Total Recall."
And I thought "dear Lord, why?" Now don't get me wrong, I love the original movie for its goofiness and its many quotable Aahnuld lines, etc. but aren't you really scraping the bottom of the barrel when you do a remake of this?
But after Googling around a bit
this could actually be interesting:
[The first film] is a weird, funny, totally unique movie. So give the creators of the upcoming Total Recall remake credit: They aren't even trying to do the same thing. Collider just posted an interview with the remake's producer, Neal Moritz (I Am Legend, Battle: Los Angeles, the Fast and the Furious quintet), who confirmed months of internet chatter: "We're doing the movie with Colin Farrell."
they're not even getting their asses to Mars:
I'm not necessarily opposed to a remake of Total Recall. I'm opposed to a remake when the original was from interesting director Paul Verhoeven and the remake is by Len Wiseman, a director who thought blue was the only color his Underworld movies needed. The remake takes Mars out of the equation and has protagonist Douglas Quaid (Colin Farrell) trying to find out if he's a spy for the nation state of Euromerica or its rival New Asia.
So it sounds like it will be sufficiently different. "The person who sent in the last two set photos into Aint It Cool wrote the following: '[...] the adaptation is more faithful to the original novel by Philip K. Dick than the previous film with Arnold.'"
*I don't watch Breaking Bad, though I know I need to put it on my list; I mainly know Cranston only as Hal from Malcolm in the Middle, Tim Whatley DDS on Seinfeld, and his
guest starring episode of the X-Files.