Today will be a rematch of last week's (partially disasterous) Protect Atoli mini-event. (
Preshow) (
Hopefully you get more turnout, and you use what you learned last time to your advantage.
On the plus side, the bosses got a slight speed decrease.
The resaving begins at 9.
EDIT: I was gonna wait to announce this, but you'd find out next week anyway. You have a new arena force. :(
[05:01:02] <@Evvie> (EvtR) Oh, by the way, did I tell you?
[05:01:09] <~Kafei> (KtR) Hmm?
[05:01:10] <@Evvie> (EvtR) I got a call back from security.
[05:01:18] <@Evvie> (EvtR) There's a couple people interested in the job.
[05:01:25] <~Kafei> (KtR) Like who?
[05:01:55] <@Evvie> (EvtR) One of them is an original character who's quite qualified for the job
[05:02:01] <@Evvie> (EvtR) The other is..
[05:02:06] <@Evvie> (EvtR) Well..
[05:03:00] <@Evvie> (EvtR) The person I had in mind was a demon with unspeakable power :O
[05:03:08] <@Evvie> (EvtR) The downside is he's sadistic and mean
[05:03:18] <@Evvie> (EvtR) But you know
[05:03:35] <@Evvie> (EvtR) Who needs congenial employees?
[05:03:47] <~Kafei> (KtR) Maybe we need that around here, I mean Ashley was a bouncing bubble of energy when she wasn't asleep, and she never got anything done.
[05:04:15] <@Evvie> ××× Conveniently placed knock at the door ×××
[05:04:23] <~Kafei> (Izzy) Statistically speaking, having someone like that around might cause 55% more workplace incidents.
[05:04:35] <@Evvie> (Neuro) Hello everyone :O
[05:04:46] <@Evvie> (Neuro) Pleased to make your acquaintances.
[05:04:52] <~Kafei> (KtR) Uh, hello
[05:05:00] <@Evvie> (EvtR) This is one of my applicants.
[05:05:08] <~Kafei> (KtR) Oh.
[05:05:12] <@Evvie> (Neuro) ..>:D
[05:05:15] <~Kafei> (KtR) Welcome to #RoleplayX Arena!
[05:05:31] <@Evvie> ××× Neuro proceeds to exercise his demonic magic around the arena, making everything most unpleasant ×××
[05:05:43] <~Kafei> (Rena) *walks in, sees it, and walks back out the same door*
[05:05:43] <@Evvie> (EvtR) ...Efficient :O
[05:05:57] <@Evvie> (Maya) *isn't so smart*
[05:06:05] <@Evvie> (Maya) Nice to meet you, sir :O
[05:06:20] <@Evvie> (Neuro) ?
[05:06:29] <~Kafei> (Izzy) What kind of science was that?
[05:06:32] <@Evvie> (Neuro) Yes, you'll do fine :O
[05:06:41] <~Kafei> (Izzy) I need to study this...
[05:06:51] <@Evvie> (Neuro) You, girl, are to be my odds-and-ends person
[05:07:09] <@Evvie> (Neuro) You shall do all the jobs I instruct of you or I shall tear your limbs off. :O
[05:07:19] <~Kafei> (KtR) (Huh? Is EvtR sure this guy isn't a BOSS?)
[05:07:22] <@Evvie> (Maya) ..
[05:07:30] <@Evvie> (EvtR) ..
[05:07:38] <@Evvie> (EvtR) Uh, sir..!
[05:07:41] <~Kafei> (KtR) (I'd speak aloud, but this guy terrifies me.)
[05:07:49] <@Evvie> (EvtR) You can't go around hiring my employ-
[05:08:01] <@Evvie> (Neuro) and YOU
[05:08:19] <@Evvie> (Neuro) you will do fine to help my slave Yako solve mysteries so I can eat them >:O
[05:08:26] <@Evvie> (EvtR) ..okay :(
[05:08:42] <~Kafei> (Izzy) My statistics didn't lie...
[05:08:55] <@Evvie> (EvtR) Uh, KtR, I guess I'm resigning from reffing now to uh, whatever Neuro tells me to. :(
[05:09:11] <@Evvie> (EvtR) *mouths "save me"*
[05:09:12] <~Kafei> (KtR) Uhh... H-Have fun with that!
[05:09:22] <~Kafei> (KtR) And all that jazz.
[05:09:33] <@Evvie> (Neuro) Oh don't worry :O
[05:09:38] <@Evvie> (Neuro) I won't leave you out too!
[05:10:02] <@Evvie> (Neuro) You are now Evvie the Ref's Detective Services official secretary!
[05:10:08] <~Kafei> (Izzy) (If I sneak out now, he might not notice me.) *runs out the door*
[05:10:15] <@Evvie> (Neuro) I hope you're good at keeping books..
[05:10:28] <~Kafei> (KtR) ...Umm...
[05:10:29] <@Evvie> (Neuro) Because if you aren't, I'll fill your head with Deadly, Deadly Acid. :O
[05:10:42] <@Evvie> (EvtR) (..this was an awful idea.)
[05:10:42] <~Kafei> (KtR) L-Looks like I am!
[05:11:01] <@Evvie> (Neuro) Great! *claps hands together* We all work so well together!d
[05:11:11] <@Evvie> ××× Maya, EvtR, and KtR are doomed ×××
[05:11:36] <@Evvie> (Neuro) ..!
[05:11:41] <@Evvie> (Neuro) I smell a "puzzle".
[05:11:46] <~Kafei> (KtR) (Damn it, Rena, why do you have to be so smart? I could've pinned this on you if you had stayed in the room a moment longer.)
[05:11:52] <@Evvie> (Neuro) I'll be back soon, my slaves, so don't move.
[05:11:57] <@Evvie> (Neuro) Or I'll steal your legs.
[05:12:05] <@Evvie> ××× Neuro exits. ×××
[06:04:52] <@Evvie> (Neuro) So I'm hired as your arena security, right, slave? :B
[06:05:00] <@Evvie> (EvtR) ..Right! That you are! [06:05:09] <@Evvie> (EvtR) Except..
[06:05:28] <@Evvie> (EvtR) Normally I have my arena staff survive a battle against the heroes first, but maybe I can make an exception..
[06:05:48] <~Kafei> (KtR) (The heroes would die in a second.)
[06:06:08] <@Evvie> (Neuro) Nonsense, I wouldn't want to go breaking any rules. :O Besides, that secretary of yours kept putting me off for weeks anyway.
[06:06:23] <@Evvie> (EvtR) ...Right, you'll get your battle. Just don't hurt me. :(
[06:06:33] <@Evvie> (EvtR) (I can hear the cries of "boos jokar!" already..)
[06:06:46] <~Kafei> (KtR) (So THAT was the guy.)
[06:07:17] <@Evvie> (Maya) *strolls in cheerfully, sees Neuro, goes pale as a sheet, turns on her heel and exits*
[06:07:46] <@Evvie> (Neuro) Oh, slaves
[06:07:58] <@Evvie> (Neuro) In honor of this new..."partnership"
[06:08:10] <@Evvie> (Neuro) I've decided to allow you both to continue reffing. :B
[06:08:18] <@Evvie> (Neuro) You may begin worship of me at any time.
[06:08:36] <~Kafei> (KtR) A-All hail Neuro, the greatest demon ever!
[06:08:43] <@Evvie> (EvtR) Yes, hail..!
[06:08:56] <@Evvie> (Neuro) This will work out so well. :O
So...yeah. :( My hands are tied. Coming soon is the inaugural battle for the position of Arena Security against Nougami Neuro.
I'll have to do SOMETHING to stop him from jokerizing the fight... :(