Jun 20, 2005 13:40
Well yeah I went to warped yesterday the lay out was kinda crappy this year but I still had a blast I met sonny from from first to last Andy from Fall Out Boy again oh yeah and to top it all off My Chemical Romance that is gonna be the hilight of my summer no matter what else happens lol I'm such a loser but whatever I got a hug from Gerard that was so effin awesome hehe I'm so girly right now that its not even funny. I got the worst sunburn that I've ever got in my life but you know what that means bitchin tan god I love my indian blood but until that kicks in I'm reder than a fire hydrant. Well yeah I donno I seen some awesome bands and had a blast with all my friends and made the realization that no matter what I'm never gonna get over him. Grrr this is so much more than a meaningless crush.... and trust me I would rather it be a meaningless crush because this is killing me inside and out I honestly can't take it much longer I'm either gonna break down and let it all out or just cut him out and well I tried cutting him out already and lets just say that it was to no avail man I hate knowing that no matter what I try to do about this I always lose. Well I'm gonna sit here and ponder all this crap for hours on end if you would like to save me from all this trama call me and we'll chat and well if someone wants to get together during the week let me know I've got noting to do like all summer since I'm a loser like that well I'm out
♥ Britt