May 15, 2005 00:07
Pff exactly the perfect way to describe my day. I just donno what to do anymore nothing is making sense anymore I swear everyone/everything is against me. I was talking to my grandma today and we got into the discussion of me and Dustin and well she basically told me the samething that both my parents have been telling me which is that I should break up with him because we're way to different and I never get to see him. Then I talked to Nikki(she is super awesome) and she was like well hun the thing is that well you know I love Dusty just as much as I love you but you two just aren't ment for eachother and it was like damn that is like the 4th or 5th person to say that to me I'm at the point to where I'm actually starting to believe everyone. God I wish I could see him again. Then she made me fell all dumb she was like you haven't talked to him in how long and you're still dating that's scandalous even Matt agreed with her I was like OMG I just can't win. I'm honestly ready to give up and give up on boys all together its like man I thought that I found someone who cared about me but to be honest I don't think he cares about me as much as he says he does. It's like I know he does care about me but yeah he said I love you and all but yeah I don't think that he actually loves me in that serious manner I know that he loves me as a friend but yeah I don't think the other way. Then to top it all off I got into an arguement with my mom but yeah we're just gonna not even go there at all. Well on the plus side to all this crap I might be able to go see Scott's band tomorrow well actually since its after midnight today. Oh and I got a totally awesome new shirt and wristband they both say hugs not drugs Yes that's right I'm a big promoter of the hugs. Well and another awesome thing Nikki is sleeping over sunday and monday night =) that makes me happy she is like the coolest 22 year old you'll ever meet. Well now that I'm done with my rant for tonight I'm gonna go
♥ Britt