May 09, 2007 01:55
So it was brought to my attention by the wonderful Mike that I haven't updated since like...January and since a lot has happened since then I thought maybe it was time for an actual entry. Life's been up and down since then, I turned seventeen(still haven't gone to see my first R rated movie at the theaters yet.) I'm on a rugby team now, in fact we're finishing up our season the 19th with 7s tournaments.
Soccer didn't work out for me so I dropped it, Company Front was a huge success. Everything went amazing, I also nailed my solo that cocnert night as well. Brookie and I are approaching the 6 month mark next friday(the 18th) =) So in that aspect, things have been going well. Band is as usual my escape, but after coming back from the ICP Tempest Release Party, I was amazed when I came back. I was like 'wow, I play an instrument??' ha, The ICP/Twiztid Tempest Tour Concert is the 25th and Nicc and I are leaving at 4 to get there.
I got off curfew on my permit, so now I offically have a Class D license, and I'm loving it. My friend Mikey W. is teaching me how to play ice hockey, if all goes well I'll be on Concord's Ice hockey team next year. I'm also the new head of our Gay/Straight Alliance and I plan on wearing the tux thing for my senior pictures(which are in about a month.) I get to talk to our principal about that soon.
The explore engineering program made me realize one thing-that no way in hell do I want to be an engineer, so I hope to go back to my original dream of being a teacher. A Chemistry Teacher to be exact, I've been reading some of Scali's books in my free time as well. It was weird not being part of the musical this year, made me think about how much things have changed, and they really have. All for the better thank god.
Well I guess that's about it, I kind of want to get to sleep cause it's 11 and I only got in about a half an hour ago cause I had to take Brookie home, and then I went to Nicci's and watched Click. Not to mention the fact that my cat went missing and I was in tears. Well goodnight!
(update tomorrow I promise, I need to vent some of my problems)