Nov 03, 2004 20:56
today i think has been the best day of the year so far. everything is going so great. its all workin out. its almost to go to be true. its overwhelming. these past 2 days have been a blur. its all sureal. and its really awesome. im really happy now. i truley havent been in a long time. school is going better to. i feel like a big burst of happiness ready to explode. this weekend i think ill take some of that explosion well my parents willl be outta town the next 2 weekends and my mom said i can have a party, i can invite whoever i want, as many ppl as i want, and anyone can stay the night, we just gotta behave, no rowdyness, and keep the house clean. :) woot woot. tomorrows thursday, this week is great, its gone by fast but slow. weird. i have my physical tomorrow. grrrr. i hate gettin those, there a waste of time to write crap that i can fill out on a sheet of paper, gay. and there 10 for nothin. waste of time. but yea. im also very dissapointed in the elections today. im so anti-bush and i have many reasons. i swear he cheated and he is running america right into a hole, oh were already there cuz of him. kerry so should have won, he deserved it. but im to happy to even be mad a that. chi your birthday is less than 2 days!!! woot woot. you suck tho cuz your older. hehe. but i is tired so ttyl and peace.