wow, i really have been silly happy laughy, and even giddy, lately:P

Jun 03, 2005 14:43

i think if i were to impart one piece of advice to everyone, it would be this: read at least one book of Jostein Gaarder's (and Charles de Lint, just coz he's amazing, and Canadian [making him even more amazing])! I love Sophie's World (i think if i *had* to name a favorite book that'd be it), but i'm in the middle of The Solitaire Mystery, and i believe i am officially enamored! Especially with chapter Four of Clubs:D He's really philosophical (he was a phil teacher), but they're fiction and totally fun/easy to read, too:D
Oh, and btw, Odin (who's a cat for those who don't know) is the cutest thing when he's waiting for me to throw the toy mouse so we can kjeep playing fetch:P


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