This Sat at Sylvie's, awesome music. Come hear me play!

Dec 01, 2008 05:19

Hey friends,

You still in Chicago, and want to hear some fun music on Saturday? You enjoy ukuleles? You like me a little?

Come to SYLVIE'S, 1902 W. Irving Park, which is easily accessible via Brown Line. GOOD NEWS: The Irving Park Brown Line stop re-opens on that very day!! No excuses about having to walk four extra blocks, the brown line drops you off one block away!

Anyway, the event that night is their regularly-scheduled Ukulele Cabaret, with the theme this time around being Uke Galactica. It'll be full of ridiculously awesome and entertaining people, including yours truly, and is sure to be a good time. Plus, the place is a freaking bar, so even if you aren't especially keen on hearing anyone else play, you can get drunk off your ass.

We'll be playing a 3-song set [including a hit closer that you'll love the hell out of] somewhere around 11 o'clock or so, but the fun kicks off around 9 so come early and hear everyone else who will soon find out who's boss. Then stay after we play to watch everyone else up there cry about how much less awesome than us they are.

Is there cover? No idea. Probably not, this is a chill place. If there is, I'll appreciate you coming that much more. It wouldn't be more than a $50 cover anyway, and what else were you going to do with half-a-hundred dollars?

Bottom line: COME. It'll be sweet. And I haven't seen most of you in years, so this will be a chance to at least say hi in a public place in case you're nervous or something for some inexplicable reason.

Thaaaaaanks, see you Saturday!

Disclaimer: I personally will not be playing ukulele. I will be playing drums. Don't get the wrong idea here, folks.

PS The venue says to bring a folding chair or two. I guess there will be less seats than people. This is great, it'll be like a picnic!

[must be 21-ish]
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