Jun 22, 2007 16:28
20 things that I would say to people that I could never say to their faces:
1. I don't need you.
2. Stop being such an asshole and using people and then maybe you would have a close friend or a significant other
3. I think I could fall in love with you.
4. I think that you're relationship is gross.
5. I think you think you're better than everyone, even your friends.
6. You've done more for me than anyone ever has, and that scares me because I can't return your kindness.
7. You need to break away and value your friends as much as your significant other.
8. You are home to me.
9. I have such a stupid-girl crush on you.
10. I'm scared you're not going to make it.
11. You can really be a snob.
12. I need you.
13. I'm gay.
14. I think you have no personality because you're too weak to show it.
15. I think you're kinda sketchy.
16. I want all of you.
17. I regret not being your friend and not standing up for you years ago.
18. I smoke and don't plan on quitting anytime soon.
19. I would never do anything with you, I'm just a huge tease sometimes.
20. I wish I had your family.