Jun 23, 2005 10:56
so ya, yesterday i woke up really early for me (8:30) so i could go down to the DMV and get my license. so my mom and i go there and theres not really that bad of a wait, and i have a apt, so its cool... o wait not really, my mom made a mistake cuz the DMV web site sucks and she made the wrong kind of apt, so i had to sign a contract saying that i agree to not bitch if im stuck at the DMV waiting all day to get my license and dont end up getting it, so im in a waiting room for like an hour and i watch all theses people take the driving test, out of like 10, only one passed, every one failed when i came to parking, so im freaking cuz every one says its really hard. They call my name finally and im up.. well theres only one guy that does the test, and he was all gloomy and just "im sick of my boring life of taking people to drive around the same freakin track 100 times a day" so he didnt have any happy emotion at all, except when i was almost done with my test. i didnt mess up at all, i had a perfect score and he was so proud of me, he walked me inside and had his thumbs up, and was like, "she did aswome, shes the kinda driver i want on the roads!" so yeah go me!!! im so happy!!! i passed my test, im i licensed florida driver in my awsomly hott car!! so i went and picked lauren up right after i got my car, and then we went and worked out, cuz we have been doin that (our fatt asses need to looses so weight and gain some muscles) and then went material shoppin for my car! i got a squishy wheel cover, i had a lay and hung it up, i put up my surf chick necklace, and stuck lil hawain drink umbrellas around my car! all it needs now are cute seet covers, cuz i didnt find ne i liked! wow such a fun day!!!
Today again, i got up REALLY early (8:00) and i had i dentist apt, and then i had to go to SHS and get my parking pass, and now im goin out to lunch cuz i have to go to work at 12.. so ill ttyl