I <3 French Fries!!!

Jun 21, 2005 03:39

Sorry, I'm getting really bad with this updating thing...the only time I feel even the least bit inclined to update is late at night. Well, I went to senior week and that was a blast. Went with molly, her older brother mike and his friend steve. They were hilarious! We threw goldfish at drunk people from our 5th floor balcony and people thought we were throwing ice...Mike even got one down this one girl's shirt! Other quite funny events were when Mike walked straight into the screen door and almost broke it. Then there was steve getting sun burned to the point that his chest turned purple. We all sorta got "pounded" by the sun on tuesday. I've got a pic of Steve laying on the Air Conditioner in the hotel room...it looks wrong but we all know he's just trying to keep cool. We didn't stay the traditional week for senior "week", we went monday through thursday. Got back late on thursday cuz we went to a water park that day. Let me tell ya, that was a lot of fun! Wow, I miss the beach already. I've also picked up on various sayings I've learned from Mike and Steve: "spread 'em, bitch!" "Me Love You Long Time" "I aint down wid dat nasty shit!" "Man, we got pounded"...or "pound it" "she a nnnaaasssty girl" "I like it in the ass"(not what you think) WOW, that was fun! On a serious note, I did learn something while at senior week...I care about other people and their actions way too much. Yeah, it sounds horrible to say that I care too much, but it's possible. "MY WEAKNESS IS THAT I CARE TOO MUCH" um, today I got pictures from prom, senior trip, last day of school/park, and senior week developed (68 total)...gosh I absolutely can't stand wal-mart or the people that work there or that even go there for that matter...so I got my pictures and got out of there.

Oh and tell me what you think of the new LJ Pic. The French Fries thing...that's what my hat says "I <3 French Fries" and I love it! It's so random...I saw it at work and I had to buy it. Well I love you all long time and since "I like it in the ass" I'm gonna go. people need to comment! I ramble way too much

~EDIT~I almost forgot some more things that I learned...the word "OUTSTANDING!" is very useful and the phrase "you're a sac" and turns out "I'll kill you!" is also quite useful. I used it when these drunk guys were yelling at molly and I on the boardwalk...I just said "I'll Kill you!" and they really didn't have much to say to that. I was pretty good at keeping a straight face while saying it too. I don't know...we all thought it was pretty funny, Mike said he almost shit his pants but o well
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