well tonight we're going to sort it all out, for tonight it's the meaning of life

Oct 09, 2006 19:00

The meaning of life.

It's always been a giant mystery, right? No one's really sure what the reason for our existence could possibly be. People are so confused by it that there aren't even many theories. Maybe we're just the product of a very bored god, momentarily satisfied to have some new playthings. Or maybe we're not as special as that, even; perhaps Earth is just one planet in a million, and we're nowhere near as exciting as everywhere else.

But while we're here, we might as well find something to make our lives worthwhile, at least in mere mortal standards. Everybody's reason to live is different though, because while we may not be the most exciting species in the universe, we are on our planet, and we have individuality. There are those who live to succeed, gain power and wealth, and control as many as they can. Some people merely want to have sex, 24/7, a new piece of ass each time. Others just try to become one with nature, living far from civilization just to be alone with it. And while all of that's great and everything...that's just not what makes me happy.

I live to laugh at nothing and everything at once. I live to sing loud and off-key, forgetting half the lyrics and trying to not burst into laughter. I live to walk around drunkenly, talking nonsense and making sure everyone's still there. I live to talk for hours in the dark when I'm supposed to go to sleep. I live to find an innuendo in everything, make weird noises, flirt ridiculously with random people, and drool over sexy guys and sexier hair. To bite and hit everyone in sight and then give sorryhugs all around, to run and hop and make stupid faces, act insane and not shut up, sit scrunched in a corner pretending to be emo, confuse everyone in sight, and to have unrequited loves likes lusts. To steal guys' clothing and incessantly smell it, to act stupid and pathetic and blonde, to be endlessly confused by biology, hate all projects, not have any stamina, and eagerly await my next class, just to get that much closer to the end of the day. I live to be in the foyer in the morning for those few minutes, just to see all my friends. I live to bitch about them and want to hug them within the same five minutes. I live to hang all over guys, act really gay, and try to murder everyone. I live to say I hate everyone, when really they're who I love most.

My friends are my life, because they're the reason I live.

friends, life

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