dial 9-1-1 in case of emergency

Jan 30, 2006 21:52

I just watched all these things on 9/11 on A&E, and it made me so sad. I was eight when that happened, so I didn't completely understand it. I've always been interested in wars and all, but 9/11 is probably the one I want to learn about the most. It's so unbelievable how something like that could happen. I feel like no one down here in the South, or even in the West, can ever fully understand what really happened, and how terrible, horrific, calamitous it was. Only the people that were there, experiencing it firsthand, will ever understand the depth of it all. Such a huge event in history, and we lived through it. It breaks me to see it all over again, and I can just feel it. Watching Flight 93 was just as depressing, but heartening at the same time, to see that, even in today's world, when everything is so bad and everyone is killing everyone, that we still have good people in the world. People that will fight to save other people, even if it means sacrificing ourselves. Actually, I think 9/11 was good for us. Terrible to lose all those lives, but...it strengthened us. As a nation, it brought us together, even if it was only for a month or so, before we began to forget. This event in our lives will leave a scar on us. A scar that'll never go away, never. It'll serve as a reminder to how we really are just mortals. Being US citizens doesn't make us any better, any more resilient to death. It just makes arrogant fools out of us, but this attack jolted us back to reality, something we had lost sight of for a while. So I'm glad. I think that, despite all the lives lost, all the hearts broken, we should thank the terrorists for the small bit of good they did us. For reminding us that, just like them, we're human.


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