Take the quiz:
"Which Laguna Beach
Character are You?"
are a chick magnet! Not AS rich but hella hot and very
popular. You like spending your extra time hooking up or at the
beach... or hooking up at the beach.
^^^Stephen is my Laguna Beach hubbie...^^ &
Kijin Zabuza: hey
MeOw BiOtCh: hey
Kijin Zabuza: I'd just like to let you know right now that I regret not having hooked up with you when I had the chance
MeOw BiOtCh: :-)
MeOw BiOtCh: what made you think of that?
Kijin Zabuza: I really liked you when I first met you on the cruise
^^yay, to hot guy on the cruise that I had a crush on...but boo to his model g/f at the time^^